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31st March - 11th April


Once in a lifetime experience, train with the very best instructors in Muay Thai and have a holiday at the same time. Flexible, regular training whilst having the time to relax and unwind to discover the amazing country of Thailand.

Best for:

One of the most memorable lifetime moments a person can have is training in Thailand in the art of Muay Thai. It doesn't matter if your advanced or complete beginner as long as you're open minded. The Thai Training Camp Experience will help you grow as a martial artist. It will create long-term lasting changes in body and mind and help the martial artist become better in every aspect of there training. 


It perfect for the person seeking balance, in training, relaxation and time to let your hair down. Partying is optional and the nightlife is in a league of its own in one of the most vibrant country in the world.


This experience is one of the greatest complete martial arts training camp a student can participate in.

Not For:

For those who like to party, we play hard but our primary focus is training and experiencing the beauty of Thai culture. This is not a lads holiday, a sex tourist holiday or a binge-drinking holiday. If this is your only focus, don't get it twisted, this trip isn't for you.

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Saenchai with Thai Camp 18

Important Information

Master Paul Bernard will be taking a group of 10 people maximum to Thailand for his Thai Training Camp Experiences. The locations we visit have been carefully selected with a view of helping an individual grow whilst having a holiday.


It's open to all age groups, under 18 must have parental consent and organisation of adult supervision in advance. If in doubt talk to Master Bernard. Candidates must register for this event online and in advance to avoid disappointment.  


We fly from London Heathrow on Thursday 31st March, returning Monday 11th April 2022. Transport to and from the airport is included in the package. 


The Thai Training experience will begin in Phuket and finish in Bangkok. We will be staying in 4star Hotels with luxurious standards in each area. All packages are based on sharing accommodation, options are available if you wish to have your own private room. 


You will have access to shopping malls, markets, fine dining and of course daily massage for a fraction of the cost.


Places we are going to be VISITING…

Train Muay Thai and MMA at various locations

including the world-famous Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket

and Yokkao in Bangkok home of legendary Thai boxer Saenchai


Each training facility has the capacity to cater for tourists and beginners to a professional level.


Training days are alternate and privately organised for our group.


A more detailed itinerary is available nearer to departure.

Training Camp Packages Include


Includes all flights, long haul and short haul return flights.




We use 4 star hotel in both destinations. After a hard days training expect air conditioning with a little luxury to relax in.


Personal group training to advance your martial arts experience.



Transport to and from Precision to airports to hotels and training facilities.


Package costs

Option 1


Paid in full

Bank transfer by 1st Dec 


Option 2


deposit 1st Dec - £599 

Followed by
3 x monthly instalments £499



upgrade to

private room

+ £350

  Important dates to secure your space.     Only 5 spaces are left on this trip.


DEADLINE DAY For Option 1 or Option 2 - 1st Dec 21


Deposits or full payment will be processed on this date and 

bookings for flights and hotel allocation will be made. 

What Our Members Say...

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